where are we

Esponjas NKS

C/ San José (C/ Cartagena corner) – Unit 8

28320 Pinto. Madrid (Spain)

⋅ Phone: (+34) 916 920 104

⋅ Fax: (+34) 916 921 808

⋅ Mail: comercial@esponjasnks.com


    Basic information about privacy policy

    Person responsible: Esponjas NKS S.L.
    Object: Answer to your message
    Legitimation: Your consent about communicating with me
    Destinatarios: Your data will be kept just for the time we need to answer to your message. We will not give your data to third parties
    Derechos: You have the rights to access, modify, limit and delete your data
    Información adicional: You can see most information about Privacy policy consulting our Privacy Policy